Saturday 24 September 2011

Real time information

Real time information

How do people use real time information?
The internet now is becoming a dominant figure for obtaining information and obtaining real time information is no different. People use real time information to check:
1)       Weather reports
2)      Travel reports
3)      Cinema and theatre booking
4)      Travel booking
5)      News services
6)      Tracking devices for public transport.
Weather reports are used via a satellite to display real time information about the current weather in each country, city and town.  Weather reports on the internet are usually very detailed on what the weather at that time actually is going to be, types of pressure low/high, the current/predicted temperature. Each weather report is updated all the time so we should constantly look at the different updated reports as the weather changes as we can’t be sure of what the weather is actually producing without comparisons. Having access to weather reports allows a person who is planning on travelling to forward think allowing time for possible traffic delays. But it is not just through using a computer or a laptop to access online weather reports we can now use smart phones e.g. blackberry’s to access the internet to view weather reports which are intantainsly updated. When you consider that the mobile phone seems to be part of human culture now, having the ability to access the internet and through that weather reports is that now causing computers to reach their cell-by date?
Advantages of weather reports online
1) We can now access the internet not only through the use of a computer but also through smart phones and other mobile devices that allow internet access. When you consider how much our mobile phone affect our lives having that ability to access the internet and then having an application that allows us to view weather reports is making the internet more versatile than ever.

2) What makes accessing weather reports through a smart phone like blackberry better than accessing the data through a computer/laptop is with a computer/laptop you have to be part of a Wi-Fi connection with in some places is free and other a fee is applied. You could look at that as a disadvantage with it is but the thing with accessing the weather through a smart phone is Wi-Fi isn’t applied it requires an internet subscription and downloading the application which can be used anywhere and anytime.
3) Sometimes when you try and access weather reports through broadband connection/modems interactive servers are down meaning you can’t access the data. But with a smart phone that is significantly reduced meaning we can access the data even in bad weather conditions.
4) But the best advantage is the weather reports are constantly updating so this is more reliable than going on just one report so if a person is planning on travelling than can allow sufficient time to travel depending on the weather. I looked at the weather for Tel-Aviv in Israel to see if the weather reports actually were updated, it turns out that it does, if you look at Monday’s weather, on Friday when I looked at it said sunny intervals but today it says showers. Last updated at 10:45, Sunday 25 September
 5) The weather reports aren’t just about what the type of weather is, it also tells us what the temperature is an advantage in that case is whether a sports fixture like cricket can be played for that day so it allows us to plan day to day activities by knowing this information.
 Evidence that the weather reports online show not only what the weather is actually going to be also includes the temperature, wind speed and pressure.

Disadvantages of weather reports
1) To access the weather reports online we have to have broadband which includes quite an expensive cost to us or even if we have a smart phone that allows internet access we have to download a weather application that costs and the internet access is going to have a cost. And the worst of that disadvantage is international costs for data rooming because Watchdog did a report on data roaming and the people who were surveyed only spent an average of 30 minutes connected to the internet. Why’s that a problem? Well because in the case of accessing weather reports it constantly updates with a lot of megabyte updates being applied without us even knowing which causes high phone bill costs equivalent to thousands of pounds.
2) Because the reports are updating all the time it means we have to continuously view the updated reports from time to time which causes us in some cases to stop our day to day activities to look at the weather reports meaning a lot of time is spent viewing the updates.
3) One major disadvantages of online weather report is we can’t trust the source entirely just because for example the BBC says it’s going to rain it doesn’t necessarily mean that’s going to happen. The only way we can get a reliable forecast is by comparing forecasts from different sources but that takes time and something from trying to find out a weather report to comparing sources is a big step and is relatively inconvenient for a person.
4) Also if a weather report is inaccurate it presents a very difficult scenario for example if the forecast for one day is snow a person may stay at home because it may not be possible to get out of their property, and the next day the weather is sunny then the person is losing money.
 What do I use online weather reports for?
I use the online weather reports because the internet is very broad I can compare reports to other reports to get a more reliable forecast which is better as I can plan a day better than going on one report. My experiences of using online reports initially were very confusing as a novice in understanding pressure for example online reports aren’t very helpful to understanding this so that in itself is a problem for anyone new to using online weather reports, it is best to note that at times the reports can be very complex and difficult to understand so I would recommend doing some background reading on understanding how the online reports function.
The internet as a whole for online reports
The internet is very broad in its sources so an internet user can expect to find a variety of weather sources to get a forecast so the internet isn’t providing limitations on its sources only that the internet costs to access it, especially abroad where the costs are more unless you sign up for a data roaming cap which is available from most mobile manufactures.

Online booking services
Online booking is now the more convenient way to book tickets for events or even travelling either via train, plane or even taxis. By having the ability to book tickets online rather than going to a nearby kiosk it creates a more relaxed environment for the user by they can put there on music on while booking. Also when booking for tickets there are no queues meaning it is quick for the user to book the tickets and saves time for doing other activities which in an age where we’re encouraged to adopt a healthy active lifestyle this way is promoting a more time efficient way and allows time for more exercise in our lifestyle’s. The online booking service is basically a series of stages through an application to book tickets for an event or booking for public transport. Most major companies have now adopted this way of buying for tickets to make this easier for customers to enjoy their experience.   Requiring a lot of stages before the purchase of the tickets is confirmed.

 Picture shows Eurostar's long stages of booking for a train online

Advantages of online booking
1) This method of buying tickets is relatively quick compared to actually having to buy via the company at their ticket office. As this method is quicker it is going to encourage repeat business from that customer as the customer service was good and efficient.
2) By buying online a more relaxed environment is created for the customer meaning they can buy the tickets with their own music on in the comfort of their own home. If the customer is in a better environment they are more likely to buy the tickets than that in the normal environment of buying tickets from a ticket office.
3) Buying tickets online saves petrol, which means our CO2emmisons are lowers and overall contributing to a better and greener planet by not heating the Earth. Also by saving petrol it saves costs which are rapidly rising and means that even though the internet costs are high this out ways the petrol costs.
4) By buying tickets online there are no queues that the customer has to endure meaning that the customer is more likely to buy the tickets than having to queue up for them and from then on not being likely to enjoy their experience as there was bad customer service.

5) When we get to buy the ticket/s at a ticket office a series of stages are required to give the person in charge the specific details of what the customer requires. By buying online tickets you can click on the opinions available to you and doesn’t require an explanation of the different options at the ticket office.The customer can search for specific requirements when purchasing the tickets.
 Picture shows list of options by booking online.

Disadvantages of online booking
1) Because the online booking requires a lot of stages, it requires a lot of typing which is very convenient for the user especially if they are in a hurry to purchase the tickets. If  purchasing something requires a lot of stages the customer’s interest is most likely going to reduced even with a high costs as they may feel there isn’t any value for money ,a quick service is always going to win over a slow service as there will  be repeat business for the better and quicker service.

 Picture shows Eurostar's long booking process starting from search to payment.

 Eurostar purchasing requires a lot of stages which is going to cause a customer’s interest to be less and most likely is going to reduce any repeat business.
2) By buying tickets online there is no socializing with people, especially in queues there is a chance to talk with people to get the real shopping experience. By creating this environment we as human beings are more likely to create aggression and no real contact of meeting people which is bad for society.

 Picture shows that when chosing your package there is no socializing compared to if you bought tickets at a ticket office where you could ask what would be better and any details about the different packages.

3) To fully understand and access online booking you need to first have an online experience to book or you are most likely to do something wrong, but with buying tickets from a ticket office the person in charge can guide you through the process so you won’t have many problems to encounter through this way. The second thing you need with online booking is internet access and in some areas in the world this is harder than others, to access the internet it requires relatively expensive equipment whether that a smart phone which cost 100s of pounds or a computer/laptop with the necessary equipment which is also expensive .

4) You are responsible for keeping your personal details safe; some online booking services could be fraudulent meaning for anyone typing in their details will ultimately result in those fraudulent people putting a piece of software called spyware which will log your activities and steal any personal information you type in so it’s important you have an up to date antivirus which in themselves aren’t cheap. So it is the upmost importance you are aware of what you entering in terms of the source and can trust it.
5) If the website server is down which can happen you can’t enter the website to book your tickets meaning you will have to do this latter which is inconvenient if you are in a hurry or even having to go to the company in person and buying the tickets which is bad if you don’t have a reliable means of transport to that place, but even if you do that’s is going to implement a cost.
My experiences of using online booking are that it presented a problem for me in that it required before I got to the payment section it took a very long time before I got to that section. There also was no socializing what so ever and for me encouraging that isn’t very good for the industry of working, what happens when you are working in a team and are faced with solving a problem but because you don’t have the necessary skills to communicate you can’t solve that problem. I was faced with so many options when tying to purchase tickets, for example I specified the times and I got times that weren’t applicable to my search.
 A selection of times that I didn’t ask for when I specified for a specific search of times that are available.

In  a previous picture that I uploaded you could see at the search stage that i asked for times around 7.00 only, however when I got to a latter stage there were more choices that weren't around 7.00. A major disdvantage as at a ticket store I would be given the specific times that i wanted.
Overall the internet is not limited on the availability of online booking services but the problem is for people that it takes too long to book where in fact it would probably take the same time to book tickets the normal way of booking from a ticket office. To really improve this type of service there needs to be fewer stages when it comes to searching and paying for the tickets to really secure the customer’s customs because for me as soon as I looked at the Eurostar booking process my interest was son lost as the amounts of stages seemed too increased.

Traffic reports
Traffic reports online is our ticket to learning the latest obstacles when it comes to travelling. The reports constantly update making it easier for the traveller to understand where and were to divert themselves on the road as you sometimes find there are no diversion times. Even though that it is rare it can happen and so for anyone travelling they should before their journey check the traffic reports and when they find time to check the reports again to get the updated news. For some of you reading this you are wondering can’t traffic reports just be found via computer internet services, well you can actually access traffic reports via smart phones such as the blackberry for example. Because this is wireless this turns into a very effective gadget for any traveller in possession of one because they can stop at anytime and check the reports but for a laptop user Wi-Fi is needed and on the road that is a difficult task.
To access the travel reports I have included a link for you to use on your mobiles provided you can access the internet on your phone.
Advantages of online traffic reports
1) The traffic reports online allow us to plan our journey’s to make them less daunting when it comes to getting to our destinations quickly and easily. If we can get to our destinations quickly and easily the service we use will most likely be used again.
2) Because we know where the incidents/accidents are and where the long queues are having access to the online traffic reports allows us to change our route accordingly, because of this we can possibly be less late to school, work or any activities that we are planning to attend to.

3) We can access the traffic reports not only via a computer or laptop but also through our smart phones or other phones that allow internet access. What makes this better is the fact that our smart phones are wireless and don’t require a Wi-Fi connection or a modem to connect to, it simply requires you to be connected to the internet. And because the smart phones are wireless we can stop somewhere when travelling and access the updated traffic reports to plan your route.
  This is a picture of the blackberry app ‘e-mobile GPS Traffic’

4) It should also be noted that you can also access Traffic reports through a satellite navigation system which is a cheaper option of owning a blackberry and having the application for the GPS system. On some sat navigation systems it tells you about on coming delays and reroutes the journey to avoid those obstacles.

 This is an example of a satellite navigation system that allows you to receive traffic reports that are updated through a traffic receiver.

Disadvantages of online traffic reports
1) To access the traffic reports you need to have internet access. The problem also with this is you need to have an internet provider which is going to implement a cost and if you wish to have internet access via your mobile you need to have a phone that allows this for example a blackberry smart phone.
2) Sometimes with a delay there is only one route, some navigation systems and traffic reports don’t actually provide alternate routes in this situation so to get anywhere fast you need to have an up to date knowledge of the area.
3) Sometimes with a traffic report there is a service to contact the source about a possible update, so these updates rely upon people phoning in to make an update on the delay so it is fair to say that this may not necessarily be reliable unless it is compared to other reports.
Is this method unreliable by allowing people to comment on an incident? Also if you did contact it is at an expense to yourself so you are solely responsible for increasing a phone bill.
4) With a satellite navigation system it is important to know where the source is from, can we really trust a source just because it says delay’s oncoming? Anyone can put red liens on a system with the right technology so is it really reliable to agree with the system. Also leading on from that with some satellite navigation systems I have found that when a delay occurs the sat- nav sends you in a complete tangent even though there is a clear sign pointing to a diversion so they aren’t always accurate. Usually the more expensive the equipment is the more likely it is going to be more accurate when travelling and a more reliable source. Overall message is also look at the road as well as listening to your sat nav.

My experiences of traffic reports/satellite navigational systems
When I last used a sat-nav system we were planning to go to Devon when the M25 was down because of a lorry incident, the satellite navigation system didn’t do a diversion and so we had to use initiative to find a route. I would strongly recommend against satellite navigation system in Britain because we can all read English but abroad they are reasonably good where the signs are difficult to read. But in some cases I have noticed that certain satellite navigation systems like Tom-toms tell you the speed limit of cameras which is good if you are uncertain of the speed even though most signs tell you the speed you should be going. Some traffic reports for me can be unreliable as you sometimes can’t trust the source, or example an accident happened when I was travelling with my family and the report said the road would be opened at 1pm, it updated and said 12 noon and then re-updated to 3pm so it was very unreliable and inaccurate.
Limitations of the internet
The internet has some applications that allow the downloading of GPS systems but you have to a specific model of phone which means having to update your phone. Following on from that the internet is limited in what it can offer in terms of traffic reports, the only websites you can really trust is the AA or the BBC how offer a more detailed report on the traffic disruptions. I also find the internet is lax in people how can confirm the reliability of the sources which is annoying as ultimately you don’t know if you can trust the source.


Online communication

Online communication
How do people communicate online?
Communication has changed in recent years with the creation of the E-mail and instant messaging services dispersing from the traditional mobile phones. Although we still use the mobile phone we are finding new ways of communicating and since email and instant messaging are free it is becoming more and more appealing.
Examples of communication include:
Instant Messaging
Message boards
Online conferencing

The History of the email
The first email system was called MAILBOX; it was used at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965, so email can be considered as a very early program. Another early program was SNDMSG which could be interpreted as send message.
However there was an early problem with the email you could only send messages to users of the same computer which meant that unless the person you are sending the email to had the same type of computer like your own the message you are trying to send cannot be sent.
However the modern email was created by Ray Tomlinson who worked for a company called ARPANET, he developed the email system in 1972, an interesting fact is he used the @ key to simple state the name of the computer user. Now 600 Million people internationally use the email so it is still up to this day as an important application to communicate between individuals.

Where can you use email?
Email addresses can be acquired from many different websites such as Virgin Media, AOL, yahoo and hotmail ,however it is strongly recommended that you don’t use hotmail because it has in recent years been a source of spam mail.

Advantages of email
1)      Email is very fast; although it is not instant any message you send or receive will most likely be received within minutes. Because it is a fast application it becomes a very efficient system particularly if you are wishing to send work related information to individuals.

2)      Email allows you to send a message to more than one person at a time for example below is a picture of the standard email window, where the to line is you can send a message at the same time to more than one person, immediately this is a very efficient application as you don’t have to continue typing the same information continuously.

3)      Email can store multiple addresses meaning if you type the address of the person you wish to send an email to your email system  providing you click the ‘check names’ button will store that address in the address book, so you don’t have to type in the address of that person again.

4)       Within the  email application create message screen you have the ability to save an e-mail’s      structure, so in theory you don’t have to continuously type in information you wish to share with people so if your email is just a draft you can apply the information from that draft into the email you wish to send in full.

5)      Email is global so you aren’t just restricted to sending an email just in the UK for example. You have the ability to send an email to anyone in the world no matter where they are providing they first have an email address and have internet access. Because of this email is highly efficient in my opinion if you are working abroad on a research task for example you can send an email to someone back in the UK for example telling them about your findings.

Disadvantages of email

1)      One of emails major problems is the application isn’t instant, in an age where face book/ social networking is dominating the communications industry emails non instant messaging system in comparison to social networking  is falling behind, so email is going to have to be adapted to suit modern day messaging. I think that instant messaging but in email form will have to be created in order to retake its reputation in the messaging industry.

2)      Another problem I find with email is the unwanted email you receive for example spam, the problem is that no such filter has been created in order to stop the receiving of unwanted information. I think that because of spam and virus sending people are turning their attention to social networking sites like face book in order to relieve themselves of this issue. It is in my personal opinion that if email was adapted to having filtered out unwanted information that users of email may actually start to use it. Don’t misunderstand me I like email it’s highly efficient but the problem is the unwanted information we are faced with.

3)      My other dislike about email is the exposure of personal information through wi-fi,recently a news investigation team studied wi- fi applications and learnt about hacking skills when trying to hack people’s email accounts through wi-fi, the hackers could send personal information for example asking customers of banks to log in to their accounts to transfer money to accounts, the letter’s were very professional and precise, because this information was made public I believe people are now turning their attentions elsewhere to applications like face book and twitter where you at the current time be hacked as far as we know!

My opinion of email is a balanced one, yes there are advantages and disadvantages to email but for me it’s efficient, and is a way of sending work related information safely and securely such as school work.

Instant Messaging
History of instant messaging
What is instant messaging? Well it can be described as holding a real time conversation through an internet application that allows 2 or more users to communicate.
The earliest form of instant messaging was the PLATO system which was developed in the early 1970s so we can establish that it has been around quite recently. However the first real instant messaging system was by a company called Mirabilis in 1996 called ICQ (“I seek you”).

Examples of instant messaging include:
1)      Face book
2)      Twitter
3)      MSN
4)      Yahoo Messenger

Advantages of instant messaging
1)      First and foremost the best advent age of instant messaging it’s a set up in the efficiency from email, why is this? Simply because as the title suggest its instant and any message you receive with be processed to your personal account as soon as the senders presses the send key.

2)      Instant messaging allows the ability to converse with more than one person at a particular time, so this is quite time efficient in the fact that you don’t need to repeat information to another person if they decide to participate in a conversion you have created.

3)      Instant messaging is free to this current date, so in today’s economic climate where phone bills seem to stack up to mountainous heights instant messaging provides a cost effect way to communicate with others ,so it’s efficiency In that fact is very good.

4)      It can be used as an alternative to VLE’s for example a teacher could send work missed by a student for them to access in their spare time, by that going directly by link to the work that was set.

Disadvantages of instant messaging

1)      Instant messaging can be a way of sending vulgar/inappropriate images through means of a chat system on the instant messaging application, continuing on from that people can hyperlink files that contain viruses to damage other people’s computers.

2)      Instant messaging systems like face book for example, sometimes have updates by which people’s personal information is put on ‘top news’, there is no filter to block information that you do not wish to receive so that in it self is a disadvantage to users, Yes you can remove posts posted by others but doing this continuously in my opinion is quite tedious and there should really be an option for this.

3)       Instant messaging can be a way of cyber bullying, yes it is a more controlled environment compared to chat room s but the point still applies, for example if you go to a page where any person can comment, others can be aggressive towards you and use the application to stur up support and bully others.

What do I use instant messaging for?
I personally use instant messaging to communicate events with my friends, for example when all my friends can me up, it is an efficient way for me to get an instant answer from everyone so I can plan the day. Also as now I’m in sixth form some of my friends have left the school so instant messaging is a great way to catch-up with my friends to see how they doing in college for example.

Message Boards
History of message boards
The first bulletin board system was called the Computerized Bulletin Board System (CBBS), and was created in February, 1978. A Bulletin board system is one dedicated to the exchange/sharing of messages and or software through a network. The BBS did become the main internet communications device through the mid 1980s and the early 1990s. However where the internet access in parts of the world is minor the BBS continues to be a big part of communications in these parts.

Advantages of BBS
1) When a message is posted there is no danger that the message is lost through the extranet which is very efficient for someone posting highly important information.
2) Anyone can comment unless restrictions are put in place, as anyone can comment on a subject it can result in a very fast response, so if someone wanted a question answers a direct response can be given quickly.
3) BBS’s are very easy to use; navigation from page to page is as simple as pressing a key on the keyboard so it is very user friendly and doesn’t require much thought process for an individual to use the system
4) The BBS is an organised form of communication, users of the BBS tend to have a better quality of written communication, so the grammar and spelling or the users is very precise and it appeals to users that don’t understand in the informal texting language of the modern generation of young people, so it immediately has an advantage over social networking.

Disadvantages of BBS
1) The main problem with a BBS system is that because it uses a Telnet system to communicate through users may be charged for long distance communication, pretty much the same as the telephone does, I think that because users can be charged for long distance communicate, the BBS is slowly dying out because of applications such as face book and twitter that use a instant messaging system to communicate with others around the world. Because these applications are free people are tending now to use these applications instead of the BBS systems. It is because of this that I feel that the BBS system is dated and really should be used for people that don’t have internet access which is now generally no one. If a BBS system was internet applicable I feel that people would use it as it would be free and would possibly provide competition for the social networking sites.
2) Another major problem with the BBS is the download speed of shared software is very slow and they have been notorious for this, when you download something from a BBS the further you are away from the creator of hat software in terms of connection the slower the download speed is, in my opinion the BBS system is very inefficient for when the download speed of broadband now is developing to the point where it is very high, downloading using broadband takes seconds compared to the BBS system which takes longer to download a piece of software, I do believe that it will come to the point where the BBS system will no longer exist and this is the point where instant messaging takes over the communications industry.
3) And lastly inappropriate and vulgar information has been known to be placed on BBS resulting in them being shut down, so like many applications the BBS is also guilty of allowing this content to be displayed, I think a software should be developed that prevents inappropriate comments/content to be displayed because it creates a problem for the user and gives the impression to some people that these applications are inappropriate and turns them away from being interesting in them.

What do I use BBS systems for? I like to use BBS systems to display my thoughts to the community and see how many people see my side of the point, for example I like to host debates on the BBS system because I feel it is good for the community to share their thoughts on world event issues, although there are many disadvantages to the system I feel that for someone who doesn’t have internet access It is a good to communicate a substitute for social networking if you like.
Biography of the websites I have used to discuss this topic:

History of the Newsgroups
Newsgroups were created in 1979 when a few graduates from Duke University connect up a few computers to exchange information with the UNIX community.
During that time period a university student from the University of Carolina actually was developing software designed to distribute news. The network was called Usenet, and slowly started to being used as an electronic discussion group like a BBS, as it is an academic programme Usenet continues to distribute news to people freely unlike some newsgroups which apply a charge to use the service provided.
Newsgroups are text written and are not verbal such as some modern day application like Skype a video communications application.

Advantages of newsgroups
1) Users can easily leave a discussion very quickly is needed, which is efficient as sometimes discussions can get personal between groups instead of actually highlighting the topic discussion. Or if need be a person gets into a discussion which they didn’t intend to enter the user can simple leave the discussion with ease.
2) New posts can be read in an organised fashion, so for example the information is not disorganised by that I mean the information can be read in continuous prose, unlike an instant messaging system where people can write information without any clarity.
3) Newsgroups usually have a moderator that prevents a group from unrest and keeps them on track according to the topic discussion on offer.

Disadvantages of newsgroups
1) The main problem with newsgroups is they aren’t as quick as email or instant messaging and it can take up to two days to get a response. This is generally a bad factor as when there is social networking about aka instant messaging which seems to dominate the communications industry newsgroups are slightly falling behind, a person on a instant messaging site can simply create a page talking about the news and any responses are instant, so really newsgroups aren’t good if you want an instant answer or an answer relatively quickly, so it’s quite time consuming to wait for an answer and as a result I personally think that lowers its effectiveness rating. If the answers could be instant then I would see newsgroups  having a future but since instant messaging doesn’t apply to this type of communication it will slowly degrade as being a form of communications as instant messaging develops.
2) The problem with newsgroups is anyone can write on them, information people may give may not necessarily be factual so a smart user will use institution to see if the information people give is factual. Also I feel that newsgroups because of this should not be in existence I personally would rather have complex information from a book that invalid information which was completely fake, if information is falsely misleading some people will see the questions they are asking as a means to create a joke and will seek information elsewhere, so whether the moderator actually enforces correct information being given remains to be seen. If you want factual information I wouldn’t go here unless you know for certain the source of information.
What do I use newsgroups for?
 To be completely honest I don’t use newsgroups because of the fact that sometimes the groups are not controlled so cyber bullying can occur, anyone with children and are concerned for their child’s welfare will understand these aren’t the places to go and considering information may not be factual
A few Websites I used when writing this guide: /
History of online conferencing
Online conferencing allows an individual to log in to a piece of software that holds a conferencing venue, an individual can access the software at anytime whether in work hours, before working hours and working hours. Online conferencing allows a closed discussion meaning only certain individuals can be in that online conference.

Advantages of online conferencing
Cheaper-normally in conferencing requires an individual to travel and stay in that one place for a certain time which is very expensive. Why is it inexpensive well this is because you save travel costs through this piece of software, and secondly you don’t have to invest money into accommodation costs. So in my opinion that has to be economically efficient if you as an individual are saving money.
Convenient- this is because you can access the software at anytime and in any place providing you have an internet connection.
High level of participation-more people will take an active role in an online conference than in a face to face conference, and the standard of the discussions is often higher because of this. If you have a more active discussion, you as a team are more likely to gain better benefit than that of a normal conference.
Conferences can be Asynchronous and synchronous, meaning in an Asynchronous conference it takes the form of a forum where individuals can continually post messages which others can comment on as soon as they log on, this is an advantage as the conversation can be stored. In addition to that it is good for continuing the conversation for a long period of time, unlike a normal conference where you have a set time to complete the conference. A synchronous conference means live chat is implied which can be classed as good as unlike text motions can be expressed which can be good as an individual can press another person on how to accomplish a task.
The main disadvantage is the fact that some computers cannot run the software, so if someone has bought a cheap computer (not a well known brand) with a bad specification meaning the memory is not large enough to use the software. However most computers now have been made to run all types of possible software, I would encourage anyone that hasn’t updated their computer to do so before using this type of online service because you simply depending on your specification will not be able to run the program. But having said that the website responsible for the software should have the minimum requirements to run the software ion your computer so I strongly recommend you read your computers specifications before you use the software in order to ensure you can run the software on your computer/laptop/macbook.
What would I use online conferencing for?
If I did use online conferencing which I probably would consider its low costs it would be to communicate with work colleagues about a work related topic so it is a very efficient system to use, so for anyone in business I would recommend this mainly because of the costing involved within it, averagely people spend about £800 for normal conferencing an monthly using online conferencing an individual would expect to pay around £30 a month for the service, overall when you look at that advantage you are saving q a high amount of money.
History of blogs
The word blogging derived from diary which started in 1994 shortly after the creation of the World Wide Web. Blog is a term for web log which is a regularly updated system of comments, images and links about a certain topic.
In January 1994 Justin Hall creates the first blog. But in 1999 Peter Merholz shortens weblog to blog, also in that period blogger launches its first blog creation software. More recently in October 2005 Calacanis sells his blogs to AOL for $25 Millions dollars.

Advantages of blogs
You have the option of freedom of speech, you are the blogger can write whatever you like when you like although it has been known for blog that have foul and abusive language to be removed so if you are doing a blog you should be considerate of the facts that the whole of the web has the ability to look at your blogs, so you have a reputation to protect. However if you have a topic you wish to discuss you can do that knowing your blog will be seen and you most likely will get a response from someone viewing your blog.
Making friends online, so you may find that you find people that have similar interests as you and from that you can have a conversation about whatever you like, although this is an advantage to some you should consider the implications within, remember these people are strangers, you don’t know what they are capable of and unless you know them you should remain ever vigilant of them.
Can be used as a diary so we are preached on why we should be more sustainable in our day to say activities as this is a computer application so paper required and the only resource used is your computer’s memory and your brain to translate your thoughts on to the page of your blog. Just remember that your blog can be seen by anyone in the world so it is recommend that you don’t post information you do not wish others to see just for your emotional troubles for example.
Blogs are relatively easy to set up, they don’t require too much thought process and only require you to design the blog using a range of tools the software company has provided for you. As it is easy it is convenient for you because you don’t have to individually design the blog, so you aren’t designing the software so it is efficient enough for you as the blogger to get started.
Disadvantages of blogs
The main problem you are faced when blogging is you have to constantly update the system or you are potentially going to lose interest from readers o your blog, so the time dedication is crucial here, if you don’t have the time to update the blog don’t blog at all is the simple message I would use to you. However because leisure time has increased in recent years because of part time work/shift or even technological advances such as the washing machine to clean our cutlery so leisure opportunities are better than they were so you should really have sufficient enough time to update your blog.
It is quite hard to maintain the blog, by that I mean the consistency of your writing can vary from person to person, unless you are very fluent in your written communication blogging will become apparently more difficult as you start to gain more readers, so if you are blogging you need to make sure your writing is very clear and concise so others can easily convey what you are trying to get across.
What do I use blogs for?
Well as you may currently know I am using the blog system to communicate with the world how IT has change the society we live in, as I come to the end of this particular topic I reflect on how quite difficult it is to maintain the blog and how consistent you have to be when writing this blog. But if I wasn’t using the blog system to do this me probably would be using this application as a means of communication or a substitute to face book where I can continuously write to trigger a general discussion between the populations.

Introduction to blog

Introduction to Applied IT blog
First I would like to welcome you to my blog on how IT has changed society.
I will cover a lot of the different aspects in which IT has changed society including the following:
1)      Education- VLE’s, online learning, school websites and online revision.
2)      Entertainment- online games consoles capabilities, sports and books.
3)      Downloads services- Music, films and software.
4)      Commerce- banking, shopping and actions.
5)      Real time information- train arrival timetables, news services, weather reports and traffic news.
Each of the topics I wish to cover will explore both the advantages and the disadvantages of each of the different aspects of how IT has changed society.
Within each of my topic discussions I will post the links of all of my sources to provide a visual sense for the readers of my blog to understand how IT has changed society.
Following on from that I will also include 5 different aspects of life in the information age of society the following will be covered:
1)      Employment- for example online job application systems.
2)      Crime Prevention – for example ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) to stop uninsured drivers.
3)      Opportunities- for example opportunities to develop skills in life.
4)      Legalisation- for example government legalisation.   
5)      Communication – for example social networking sites such as facebook or even how email has changed society.
Within this part of my blog I will describe and explain the benefits and the disadvantages of each of these topics with conclusions to each of the topics discussed.
And like the online services I will include the links of all my sources I have used to give the reader’s a sense of what IT is offering.
After I have explored the different online services and the information age I plan to discuss about the digital divide the following for this discussion will be used:
1)      The causes of the digital divide- for example the economic growth, fear of technological advances, social reasons and even geographical reasons.
2)      The effects of the divide- educationally, socially and even economically.
3)       How extreme is the division wide or narrow?
4)      Counter measures to stop the divide and whether they are working efficiently.
5)      If we make the divide narrower what are the implications going to be on society?

As like the rest of the discussions I will include my sources so you as the reader can get a visual perspective on the digital divide,
Please note that not all of my sources are necessarily going to be from the internet!

I also plan to discuss the different types of multi-media components including the following
1)      Animations- flash animations for example
2)      Photography- digital cameras, image editing software for example photo shop.
3)      Video clips- for example windows movie maker.
For my last discussion there will be a bibliography summarising all my chosen sources, so basically every piece of information I find will be posted on to the blog.