Introduction to Applied IT blog
First I would like to welcome you to my blog on how IT has changed society.
I will cover a lot of the different aspects in which IT has changed society including the following:
1) Education- VLE’s, online learning, school websites and online revision.
2) Entertainment- online games consoles capabilities, sports and books.
3) Downloads services- Music, films and software.
4) Commerce- banking, shopping and actions.
5) Real time information- train arrival timetables, news services, weather reports and traffic news.
Each of the topics I wish to cover will explore both the advantages and the disadvantages of each of the different aspects of how IT has changed society.
Within each of my topic discussions I will post the links of all of my sources to provide a visual sense for the readers of my blog to understand how IT has changed society.
Following on from that I will also include 5 different aspects of life in the information age of society the following will be covered:
1) Employment- for example online job application systems.
2) Crime Prevention – for example ANPR (automatic number plate recognition) to stop uninsured drivers.
3) Opportunities- for example opportunities to develop skills in life.
4) Legalisation- for example government legalisation.
5) Communication – for example social networking sites such as facebook or even how email has changed society.
Within this part of my blog I will describe and explain the benefits and the disadvantages of each of these topics with conclusions to each of the topics discussed.
And like the online services I will include the links of all my sources I have used to give the reader’s a sense of what IT is offering.
After I have explored the different online services and the information age I plan to discuss about the digital divide the following for this discussion will be used:
1) The causes of the digital divide- for example the economic growth, fear of technological advances, social reasons and even geographical reasons.
2) The effects of the divide- educationally, socially and even economically.
3) How extreme is the division wide or narrow?
4) Counter measures to stop the divide and whether they are working efficiently.
5) If we make the divide narrower what are the implications going to be on society?
As like the rest of the discussions I will include my sources so you as the reader can get a visual perspective on the digital divide,
Please note that not all of my sources are necessarily going to be from the internet!
I also plan to discuss the different types of multi-media components including the following
1) Animations- flash animations for example
2) Photography- digital cameras, image editing software for example photo shop.
3) Video clips- for example windows movie maker.
For my last discussion there will be a bibliography summarising all my chosen sources, so basically every piece of information I find will be posted on to the blog.
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