Sunday 9 October 2011

Online Education

Online Education
A brief overview of online education
Education has changed rapidly through the use of the internet we now have the ability as students/pupils to access a whole variety of resources to assist in our learning whether this will be used for revision, to assist in the classroom, for coursework assignments or for general homework.
I am going to discuss a range of the different aspects in which we can use the internet for educational purposes. These aspects are:
1)Learning modules
2)Macromedia technology
3)BBC bite size, research purposes are also examples of how we can use the internet for educational purposes.
What is a learning module?
A learning module is a component of Blackboard Vista which is the software that learning modules run on. The blackboard software can be run on most apple and windows services, however In order to run this software properly you need to have a ‘supported browser’ one that allows you to run this software i.e. one that is compatible with the running of the software. The supported browsers are internet explorer, fire fox, safari and Google chrome. However if you wish to know if your browser is compatible then please refer to the following link:
This screenshot shows the following browser pages that are compatible with the running of the blackboard vista software to run the online modules. This screenshot is the link from the above website that I suggested to refer to see if your browser is compatible.

Advantages of learning modules
 Clear structure -Each of the online modules will have a clear objective/s for the user with a clear navigation system for the user to refer to when observing the online module. This is an advantage to the user of this service as it allows the development of the course to ‘flow’ in a logical systematic fashion. Following on from that the user can decide what information is relevant for them and gain a very clear understanding of what the module is going to be about.

This screenshot is an example of a learning module. From this screenshot you can see that the 2nd page gives relevant details about the course providing clear objective for the user to refer to when using this learning module. Also covering from what I have previously said about the learning module needing to be in a systematic order, this learning module shows the systematic flow at the bottom of the second page by asking questions the user may be thinking when viewing this learning module.
Relevance of information- Information gathered by using a learning module is going to be relevant for that particular type of topic. For example if you are using a learning module on how to use IRAS (Integrated Research Application System)  you may already have some basic knowledge of the system, or even how it works so you may not necessary  have to refer to these pages as that information is not relevant to you. This makes the system quite versatile to the user as they can pick and choose information depending on what they wish to know so keeping that relevance is important to maintain the amount of users to that module.
This screenshot shows an example of my point that the information will be relevant. From this screenshot you can see that this page shows what the system is about and the different links that the user can navigate to. The relevance of this is that if the user is a first time user of the system they can view this information to be valuable and as such relevance to what they are trying to achieve through studying this module.
Good interface/navigation – Having a good interface in a learning module is good as it creates an effective learning environment for the user, the user can understand the content within that learning module e.g. key concepts like how to do a ‘V lookup’ on excel for example. As most designers recognise the importance of a good interface to create this effective environment for the learner most learning modules will happen to of been carefully designed to reflect this. I happen to agree that this is one of the most important factors within a learning module as if the user can’t navigate and clearly see what the designer is trying to create within the content the interest that user will have lowered significantly leading to then not wishing to continue with the course.
 This screenshot shows an example of a good navigated learning module. The links have been clearly organised at the top to make it easier for the user to navigate through the module meaning that the user will most likely find that the module has been well thought out and will wish to continue the course. I think this shows that the designer of IRAS has done a significant amount of planning before designing the interface to make the design seem more attractive for the user to use.
High Interactivity – Having a significant amount of interactivity on the learning module will ensure a better chance of success for the course that you are studying. I think that having a high interactivity will mean the user is more engaged and more likely to take in the relevant information as this is a more active part of learning. I think that the best forms of interactivity are for the user to be presented with a scenario and doing a task developed around that. Overall I can conclude that a high interactivity is an advantage because it encourages a more developed style of thinking and resulting from that will mean the user is more likely to understand the course content.
 This screenshot is an example of high interactivity. The user can click on the tips image at the bottom of the page and will presented with a scenario to help their development through the studying of this course.

Basic computer skills- The main disadvantage that I find with learning modules is if you don’t have a computer or access to one for a start you are immediately at a disadvantage as you cannot simply access the module. Secondly if you don’t have some form of internet connection you won’t be able to use the learning module as you won’t be able to access it. Thirdly if you can’t manage a series of internet browsers you will find doing learning modules will be a very frustrating process. Having a very slow internet connection will most likely result in the learner being frustrated and consequently they will give up. I think that not knowing basic computer skills will mean that for future references when you can only access large amounts of information online will mean that you will struggle in finding that information as you possibly won’t know where to look for the information.
Managing files and software- Some of the information I will provide here dos link back to the previous topic but it is a relevant disadvantage. If you are a novice at using a computer organising your files will seem complex at the start. With learning modules this is a key aspect for success so I believe that if you can’t keep your files organised you will most likely struggle with the learning module. For example you are told to download a piece of software or even a file the user does this but latter cannot find the file because they find organising on the computer very difficult to do, this means that they cannot proceed to the next task consequently they will fall behind and will most likely fail. So I believe tat if you are a novice to the computer I recommend that you practice these skills to fully appreciate the need for organisation. For your reference I will show you a good example of file organisation.

 This screenshot is an example of good file organisation. From this screenshot you can that separate file have been created to allow different topics to be placed within this file. This organisation ensures that when doing a module you will be able to find a file easily ensuring that any frustration you find with organising your files is reduced significantly creating a more positive learning environment.
High motivation and tedium- Learning modules are best for those learners that are high in motivation and can work independently with a low amount of support from others. If you use learning modules will most likely find that you will be bored quite quickly. This could be a result of having lack of motivation if this occurs you shouldn’t do the course. Learners have to be motivated to complete the work and work independently as instruction may not be so straight forward. Learning modules sally will have a lot of pages for you to navigate so this can encourage tedium for the user as they are bored with there being no variety to the learning style. Following on from that users of online learning modules will tend to find that they follow the same format in that there is no variation on the learning style. This is the fundamental point that makes these online learning modules boring, I think if they were adapted to make a friendlier approach to learning then maybe more people would be inclined into using them.
 This screenshot illustrates my point about the online learning modules being boring to learn from. The evidence of this screenshot shows that as there are 61 pages to view this creates a more tedious style of learning for a user.
My experiences of learning modules- I haven’t ever used a learning module however after browsing through a selection of them I found that It seemed good at first however as I researched into them further I found that they were frustrating to use and only lead to bad motivation and overall a negative approach to learning. Because of the information I found despite the positives the negatives have concluded me to say I would not recommend using them until sufficient improve have been made to making them better to acquire knowledge from them in a more positive environment.

Macromedia technology (online tutorials)
What is macromedia technology?
Macromedia technology is a piece of software that allows you as the user to access many different online tutorial s and other educational applications. Most macromedia technology for instance shockwave can be accessed through apple technology meaning the software can be downloaded to IPods and IPads for example making the software wider and accessible.
There are many different aspects of macromedia technology/online tutorials that include:
1) Slides e.g. [PowerPoint presentations.
2) Audio files e.g. podcasts
3) Video Files e.g. You tube
Advantages of macromedia technology/online tutorials

1) 24/7 Provides 24/7 learning support meaning that the user can access the content whenever and wherever providing they have an internet connection. Because of this the support they can receive is highly efficient and In my view makes this a more efficient way of learning compared to the learning modules as they usually stick to the key points and allow you to visualise.
  This screenshot shows that YouTube is 24/7 meaning I can access a wide variety of different videos depending on my search criteria.

2)  Time restrictions online tutorials allow the user to remove any time restrictions associated with their learning. Because of this there are no CO2 emissions with online tutorials you are contributing to a greener planet and in my view that is quite important as keeping a greener environment means a healthier environment in which we can live in. Adding on from there are no petrol costs associated with online tutorials meaning you are already saving quite a significant amount of money compared to having to buy books, or spending for public transport for example to go a to a college/.school to learn that information saving time and reducing any real frustration with having to go to that school.

 This screenshot shows that podcasts don’t require any petrol consumption costs or restrict any more time than necessary for travelling costs to all you have to do is download the podcast update and listen to it.
3) Accommodate learning styles- This type of learning is good for those who like to visualise in their learning particularly good learning tutorials are through YouTube where the learner can see from another person what is required to solve a problem e.g. a maths problem for example. Following on from that some people prefer to listen as their preference of learning which is where podcasts are so useful because they allow the user to listen in how they should approach a task or a problem. In addition to that podcasts can be easily downloaded on your IPads or IPods providing you have the correct software to download the software and most importantly an internet connection if you need to download piece of software to run that podcast. Because we have the ability to do this it is in my opinion that macromedia technology is becoming more widely accessible to us and providing us as learner’s new opportunities to learn easily and in an environment that we feel comfortable in. And lastly we now have a particular type of software from Microsoft that allows us to type in key concepts of a topic in a note form to assist in revision, in my opinion that is highly useful if you have large notes and you wish to store that information as easily as possible making it more colourful with just a few clicks to suit your learning preference.

 Screenshot shows how different types of hardware are making our learning more adaptable, here I’m showing a video on YouTube which emphasises how we can use different internet systems to assist in our learning through YouTube and through IPads and IPod’s.
4) Focusing on a specific task- Following on from my previous discussion because we each have different learning styles we will each have different means to learn depending on our learning style. For example I may like to learn visually and verbally so I may use YouTube for example to learn a specific topic. I can type in what I am looking for and find a video instantly, within each of those videos the person who has made it will focus on a specific task e.g. how to structure an English essay in an exam. This in my opinion is good if you are unsure on a few of the topics discussed in your classes as it allows you to pick and choose what you would like to know about. My experience of using this was very positive as I am a person who learns visually and verbally I could understand a topic and clearly discuss about it in class for example what the key features of a good essay are. Also because they focus on a specific task, the type of online tutorial will be clearly explained usually through a PowerPoint presentation with pictures to illustrate the point they are making it easier for the user to understand key concept.
 This screenshot emphasises my point that each topic discussed in a piece of macromedia technology will be about 1 key concept. For example I am showing you the top video of one of my searches; we can assume from the search that the top video will show how to do that specific task.
Resources needed- To make sure you have a good online tutorial firstly from the designers perspective you need to consider the hardware involved, any technical support which may result in a fee/training needed to make a good online tutorial. The overall point is how much are these resources going to cost training may be expensive so that disadvantage means you may have to save up money just to make one which can take a lot of time. You will also need to considered the storage and retrieval of that information, how much space I need, you may have to upgrade your hardware which will cost quite a bit of money so that disadvantage could mean you will have less money to spend on other essentials like the software costs for example.
Time consumption- Also from the designer’s perspective considering the economic climate can we really afford to design this knowing we will need more money for other basic living essentials? I think that the making of tutorials should now be through systems like YouTube which are free saving you money. However the main disadvantage obviously is the time and as a result not many people today will have a lot of time to spend considering school work and general work.
Reliable information? -  The main concern as learners is to ensure that we can fully trust the knowledge that we have been given. It is vital to know the information we are been given is genuine as we will most likely be using that information in school projects, exams and general school work so understanding that it is right is important. Adding on from that as we use these systems top understand a concept knowing if our sources are reliable is difficult as we general don’t understand the topic anyhow. In my experience I have been known to use information from systems like YouTube and it turned out it was wrong so the general message is just because its YouTube it doesn’t mean the information is genuine.
My experiences of online tutorials
My experience of using online tutorials was fairly positive as I have mentioned before there were some issues with the systems in terms of reliability but before hand I make sure I have general understanding of the topic so I can point out any irrelevant information that is being discussed. I have used podcasts but they were supplied by teachers so I could be sure that that information was reliable to use in exams and school work. I would recommend this in comparison to learning modules providing you have a general understanding of the topic that you are studying.

1 comment:

  1. In today's highly cut-throat job market, education qualification is important to help you secure a high-pay career opportunity. In the old days without the online education, getting a diploma while keeping your career can be difficult. Fortunately, on-line education provides an substitute option to people who shoot for obtaining higher education training course to get a career linked degree, not only in a far more convenient way, nevertheless it enables them to obtain the degree quickly.
